blog 🗞

Below you'll find our arsenal of informative and entertaining blogs about the things that really matter to e-commerce. Whether you sell via Bol, Amazon or with your own webshop. Find the information you need here! Read yourself rich, because real success in e-commerce is not a 'get-rich-quick' scheme!


Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (39)
Ecommerce Trends
Insightful Innovator
05 January 2024

E-Commerce Accelerators Unveiled

This article provides a strategic exploration of e-commerce accelerators, as transformative entities reshaping brand partnerships in the ever-evolving landscape. Contrasting traditional agencies, it emphasizes the holistic approach of e-commerce accelerators, offering a unique partnership model, hands-on involvement, and integrated services. 

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Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (36)
Alibaba Sourcr
20 December 2023

Unveiling the Power of E-pickr | Labs & Education in Enhancing Your Alibaba Orders

Embark on an enriching journey into the world of e-commerce with Alibaba and E-pickr | Labs & Education. This comprehensive guide explores the advantages of Alibaba, delves into safety measures, and unveils how E-pickr enhances your Alibaba orders, offering data-driven insights, trend analysis, and negotiation support. Together, they empower you to seamlessly navigate the complexities of product selection, supplier engagement, and logistics, setting the stage for success in the dynamic realm of Amazon FBA.

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Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (33)
13 December 2023

Unleashing the Power of Amazon Dropshipping: A Comprehensive Guide by e-pickr | Labs & Education

Embark on a journey into the lucrative world of Amazon dropshipping with this comprehensive guide by e-pickr | Labs & Education. Explore the legality, profitability, and operational intricacies of dropshipping on Amazon in 2023, providing aspiring sellers with insights and strategies for success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

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Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (32)
Market Research
06 December 2023

Mastering Success on Amazon: A/B Testing Unveiled

Explore the transformative power of A/B testing, a dynamic strategy for Amazon sellers seeking a competitive edge. This comprehensive guide covers the significance of A/B testing, Amazon's A/B testing process through Manage Your Experiments, and its role in optimizing product listings for increased visibility, conversions, and long-term success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

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Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (30)
29 November 2023

Maximizing Your Amazon Presence: Harnessing AI for Stunning Product Images

Explore how Amazon's integration of AI is revolutionizing product advertising, particularly through AI-generated custom lifestyle images for Sponsored Brand Ads. Discover the impact of these images on click-through rates, the need for AI-generated Amazon images, and a step-by-step guide to harnessing AI for stunning visuals without the need for expensive photoshoots.

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Design images for 4 projects (15)
Profitable products
Product research
22 November 2023

What Is a Healthy Profit Margin in E-commerce?

Profit margin is a critical metric for e-commerce success, determining the financial health and sustainability of a venture. This blog explores different profit margin types and delves into what constitutes a healthy profit margin in e-commerce, typically falling in the range of 10% to 30%. The article provides valuable insights on factors affecting profit margins, tips for improvement, and highlights the role of data-driven decision-making. It also introduces e-pickr®, an innovative solution for enhancing e-commerce profitability, making it a valuable tool for aspiring entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey, from Stuck Dreamers to Brave Visionaries.

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Verdien € 1.000 tot € 25.000 per maand door het juiste product te verkopen op! Vind je product vandaag GRATIS op (27)
22 November 2023

Mastering the Art of Amazon Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide for Sellers

Dive into the comprehensive guide on mastering Amazon reviews, exploring proven strategies and the innovative Review Tips from e-pickr | Labs & Education. Unleash the power of reviews to elevate your Amazon business, ensuring success in the dynamic and competitive marketplace.

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blog covers (17)
15 November 2023

Sourcing and Importing Inventory from Asia to the EU: The Importance of CE, EAN, and Import Costs

Learn about CE marking, EAN codes, and import costs for successful importing from Asia to the EU. Build a thriving e-commerce business with smart importing strategies.



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Design images for 4 projects (18)
Sell ​​Online
Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
08 November 2023

More Online Sales: Tips for Successful Webshop Sales in 2023

In the rapidly evolving world of e-commerce, increasing online sales is the ultimate goal. This blog provides expert tips to boost your webshop sales, from improving the user experience to utilizing e-pickr® for data-driven success. Learn how to personalize shopping and adapt to the hottest trends for 2023 while enhancing customer satisfaction.

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Design images for 4 projects (14)
Brave Visionary
Success story
01 November 2023

The Brave Visionary: Shaping the Future of E-commerce

Bratt's remarkable journey is a testament to the boundless potential of data-driven entrepreneurship in the world of e-commerce. From overcoming procrastination and evolving into a Calculated Conqueror, he ultimately emerged as a Brave Visionary. His story reminds aspiring entrepreneurs that success in e-commerce is not merely about profits but about shaping the future, leaving a legacy, and making a meaningful impact on the world. Bratt's legacy serves as a beacon of inspiration, emphasizing that true success transcends financial gains—it's about creating a lasting mark, influencing the industry, and living life on one's own terms.

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Design images for 4 projects (12)
Calculated Conqueror
25 October 2023

The Calculated Conqueror: Unleashing the Power of Data for E-commerce Domination

Connor's remarkable journey exemplifies the extraordinary transformation achievable through a data-driven approach in the world of e-commerce. From overcoming procrastination to evolving into a Calculated Conqueror, Connor's story demonstrates how data can be wielded as a strategic weapon to achieve entrepreneurial success. As an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, Connor's path shows that with the right mindset and tools, there are no limits to what can be accomplished, offering a bright future for those who aspire to become Calculated Conquerors in the competitive world of e-commerce.

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Design images for 4 projects (9)
Insightful Innovator
18 October 2023

The Insightful Innovator: Unleashing the Power of Data in E-commerce

Ismaël's journey epitomizes the transformative power of data in e-commerce. From breaking free from procrastination to evolving into an Insightful Innovator, Ismaël's story showcases the immense potential of using data to fuel innovation and reshape your entrepreneurial future. It's a testament to the journey of dedication, learning, and evolution in the world of e-commerce, where data becomes a powerful tool to shape your destiny. Ismaël's path serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs ready to harness the future by becoming Insightful Innovators.

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Design images for 4 projects (6)
Data Dabbler
11 October 2023

The Data Dabbler: Navigating the Sea of E-commerce with e-pickr's Guidance

Witness the evolution of a "Data Dabbler" like Daisy, who transitioned from a Stuck Dreamer to an aspiring e-commerce master with the help of e-pickr's guidance. Her journey is a testament to the power of data-driven decisions and determination. As she faces ongoing challenges and learns to navigate the complexities of e-commerce, her success is no longer a distant dream, but a bright reality shaped by data-driven decisions and e-pickr's support.

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Design images for 4 projects (5)
Stuck Dreamer
04 October 2023

Unleashing the Stuck Dreamer: Conquer Your Business Dreams with e-pickr | Labs

Unleash your entrepreneurial potential and conquer procrastination with e-pickr | Labs. Explore the journey from being a Stuck Dreamer to a Data Dabbler, gaining the courage to explore, a desire to learn, and a vision for the future. With structured learning, mentorship, data insights, flexible business models, and expert guidance, you'll shift your mindset and achieve your entrepreneurial dreams. Embrace your transformation and take action today.

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Design images for 4 projects (2)
Your Terms
27 September 2023

Embrace Entrepreneurship: Your Path to Living Life on Your Own Terms

In a world flooded with get-rich-quick promises and skepticism, venturing into e-commerce can be intimidating. But the path to living life on your terms starts with E-Pickr. With their 11-week program, you'll unlock your entrepreneurial potential, master product selection, forge powerful partnerships, craft an irresistible online presence, and dive deep into advertising strategies. Plus, you'll demystify the financial landscape, redefine branding and marketing, and explore growth and diversification. E-Pickr is here to guide you on your journey to entrepreneurial success.

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blog covers (12)
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
18 September 2023

Embracing Radical Transparency and Algorithmic Decision-Making: The Power of E-pickr Software for E-commerce Success

In the fast-paced world of E-commerce, success relies on more than intuition. E-pickr software brings radical transparency and algorithmic decision-making to the forefront, empowering entrepreneurs with comprehensive market insights and real-time data analysis. With certainty in product selection and minimized risks, users can achieve unparalleled success and profitability in the highly competitive online marketplace. Embrace the power of E-pickr software and unlock your E-commerce venture's true potential today!

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blog covers (10)
Our tools
Profitable products
Alibaba Sourcr
12 September 2023

Title: Profit Margins: The Key to E-commerce Success and How E-pickr Boosts Your Unit Economics

Profit margins are the lifeline of any E-commerce business. In this blog, we explore the importance of profit margins, strategies to increase them, and how E-pickr's powerful tools like "Calculatr" and "AlibabaSourcr" can enhance your unit economics. Maximize your profit margins, make data-driven decisions, and source quality products at competitive prices.

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blog covers (9)
Our tools
Profitable products
04 September 2023

Boosting Your Bottom Line: Unraveling the Power of Profit Margins in E-commerce with E-pickr

Profit margins are crucial for sustainable growth in E-commerce. In this blog, we delve into their significance, identifying leaks, and customer retention's impact. E-pickr's Profit Margin Analyzer and AlibabaSourcr help you maximize profitability with data-driven decisions and cost-effective sourcing. Boost your bottom line and achieve unparalleled success in E-commerce with E-pickr's cutting-edge tools. Try E-pickr now and unlock your true profit potential!

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blog covers (5)
Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
Product research
28 August 2023

The Game Changer in Saturated E-commerce Markets: E-pickr Software

In the fiercely competitive world of E-commerce, success can be challenging to achieve. However, the revolutionary E-pickr software offers a game-changing solution for entrepreneurs to carve out profitable niches. Discover how to reduce risk, minimize human errors, and gain certainty in the saturated E-commerce landscape. Uncover hidden gems, gain a competitive edge, and scale your online business with confidence.

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blog covers (2)
21 August 2023

Online Business Ideas: How to Make Money Online with Realistic Expectations

Explore practical online business ideas and understand the reality of making money online. E-commerce is not a get-rich-quick scheme; it demands hard work and consistency. Learn how to choose the right business idea, develop a solid plan, manage finances wisely, and build a strong online presence. Start your online business journey with realistic expectations and read on...

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Juridische regels webshop
Our tools
tips & tricks
21 August 2023

Legal Rules for Webshops: Everything You Need in Understandable Language

Setting up a webshop offers many opportunities, but it requires more than just attractive products and a user-friendly website. Before you get started, you need to consider the rules and regulations applicable to online sales. These rules are intended to promote transparency and protect consumers.

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18 August 2023

Online Entrepreneurship: 4 Interesting Ideas

Looking to earn more than minimum wage? Explore four intriguing online entrepreneurship ideas in this blog. Say goodbye to internships and stressful jobs that hardly pay off. Online entrepreneurship offers opportunities, even for individuals aged 18 to 30. But we understand the doubts. Stepping into the uncertain world of entrepreneurship isn't easy, with income insecurity and questions about customer preferences and reliable suppliers. And let's not forget about commissions and purchasing costs.

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blog covers
Start Ecommerce
04 August 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Online Entrepreneurship: 10 Essential Tips for E-commerce Success

Discover 10 essential tips for online entrepreneurship, from embracing the right mindset to selecting the right E-commerce model. Learn about market research, effective marketing strategies, and the importance of customer service and cultivate multiple income streams. Unlock financial freedom and success in the competitive world of E-commerce. Try E-pickr today and kickstart your online business journey.

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Start Ecommerce
Product research
28 July 2023

How to do Product Research? A Step-by-Step Guide for Success!

Read on and learn how e-pickr® can help you perform objective, data-driven product research.

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Product research
14 July 2023

Determining the Price of a Product: Tips and Methods

In this article, we'll explore various ways to determine the price of a product, taking into account factors such as purchase costs, branding, and even the psychology behind pricing. Let's get started!

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Make Money Easy
Profitable products
Product research
04 July 2023

The 8 Best Niche Products to Sell in 2023

Selling on has been the fastest-growing market in recent years among young entrepreneurs. Finding a product and earning a few thousand euros monthly from it has always been challenging.


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tips & tricks
29 June 2023

5 Tips for a Successful Webshop

Welcome to our blog on setting up a successful webshop! If you're an entrepreneur looking to start your own online business or have recently started one, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll share 5 valuable tips and insights to help you create a successful webshop. From attracting customers to optimizing your webshop and promoting your products, we've got it all covered for you. Let's get started!

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Ecwid x e-pickr (9)
Start Ecommerce
tips & tricks
23 June 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting an E-commerce Business

Would you like to start your own online store? That's great! The world of e-commerce offers many opportunities to sell products and build an online business. But where do you begin? Don't worry, in this blog, we'll help you get started with a handy step-by-step guide. We'll also answer frequently asked questions about what you need, which products are popular, and how to find reliable suppliers. So let's get started!

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Sell ​​Online
Amazon products
25 May 2023

5 Smart Ways to Make Money with Amazon

Explore the opportunities to earn money through Amazon, one of the world's largest online marketplaces. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking to start a new business or simply want to make some extra money, Amazon offers various ways to increase your income. In this blog, we delve deeper into five methods to earn money with Amazon and discuss the pros and cons of selling on this platform.

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18 May 2023

How to Create a Facebook Shop to Sell Products?

Starting a Facebook shop can be an excellent choice for small businesses or individuals who want to sell products without having their own website. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the largest online platforms in the world. It provides a huge potential market for sellers of all kinds of products.

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blog covers (5)
Product research
Ecommerce Trends
02 May 2023

Tips for selling seasonal products on Amazon and

This text provides tips on how to sell seasonal products on Amazon and, including understanding seasonality, avoiding common mistakes, and using tools like Salespickr to make data-driven decisions. By following these tips, sellers can turn seasonal products into year-round successes and build a thriving business on these platforms.


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blog covers (2)
Profitable products
01 May 2023

Why it doesn't make sense to obtain competitor data on and why Amazon tools are better for

Gaining insight into competitor data on is not very useful, as it only helps you keep up with the competition and not think ahead. It's better to look for ways to add new, profitable products to your assortment. An Amazon tool can help quickly find the best products not yet sold on

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20 April 2023

How to leverage AI as an e-commerce business - ChatGPT

This text covers how e-commerce businesses can use AI in various aspects of their business, including website design, product management, digital marketing, payment processing and customer service. Each topic includes explanations, clarifications and examples of specific questions and problems arising in e-commerce and how AI can address them.

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Sell ​​Online
Our tools
19 April 2023

Setting Goals: Why It Matters and How to Succeed

E-pickr is a set of free product research tools that promote responsible production and consumption for a better climate with less waste. It helps e-commerce businesses make informed decisions on which inventory to purchase, increasing profitability and contributing to a less overconsumptive society.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (84)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
17 April 2023

From being laid off to being your own boss: why starting your own business after bankruptcy or downsizing is a good option

Being laid off after bankruptcy or downsizing can be a hard blow, but it can also be an opportunity to start your own business. Having your own business can be more exciting and provides a better work-life balance and income. On the other hand, with the experience from your previous job, you may be able to quickly set up your own business in E-commerce! Learn here how to do that.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (86)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
14 April 2023

What to do now after retirement? Ever thought of selling online?

This blog offers helpful tips for people sitting at home in retirement who want to improve their productivity and well-being. Learn how to turn your home office into a veritable online department store, in addition to supplementing your retirement income, it will give you a mental and physical boost that you can sustain for a long time!

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Blog images (1)
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
Hype Producs
13 April 2023

Monetizing Your Hobbies: A 6-Step Guide

Turn your hobby into a profitable business with the help of e-pickr®. e-pickr® provides comprehensive data on what sells well in your niche, so you can sell products linked to your hobby. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, e-pickr® is the perfect solution for hobbyists who want to turn their passion into a successful career. 

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Ecwid x e-pickr (83)
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
10 April 2023

Drop-out or leaving school early: now what?

It's important to remember that a school is a necessary form of growth and development for your future. But if you've decided to drop out without a degree, it doesn't mean you can't have a prosperous lot. Plenty of careers do not require a degree, and where you can move up based on your skills and experience, such as a career in e-commerce. 

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Sell ​​Online
04 April 2023

Starting an Instagram store: 13 frequently asked questions answered

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. It has a massive reach with millions of users worldwide. Therefore, it is no surprise that more and more companies and individuals are selling their products through Instagram stores. Sellers can present their products to a large audience through advertorials and influencer marketing and quickly boost sales. But how do you start an Instagram store? Below, we have listed in Q&A style common questions about selling through Instagram.

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30 March 2023

How to get more sales using your social media reach

Social media is a crucial tool for promoting e-commerce businesses and attracting new customers. To effectively use social media, businesses should identify their target audience, create business profiles on relevant platforms, share engaging content, use relevant hashtags, regularly update their profiles, and consider paid advertising options.

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Blog images (5)
Sell ​​Online
Market Research
27 March 2023

Benefits of setting up an online store over a physical store

Learn about the key benefits of setting up an online store, including accessibility to more customers, no time constraints, lower costs, improved customer satisfaction and business expansion.

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Deck is not deck 2401 (12)
Product research
20 March 2023

E-pickr Partners With Eastern Enterprise

Together We Built Our Easy-To-Use Data-Driven Solution For All E-commerce Professionals. 

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Blog images (3)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Market Research
17 March 2023

Connecting with Gen Z: The Future of Marketing

A guide for brands on how to market to Gen Z, the largest consumer group. Covers strategies such as mobile-friendliness, influencer marketing, social responsibility, audience interaction, and urgency creation. An elaborative recommendation on how to increase e-commerce business with Gen Z.

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Deck is not deck 2401 (6)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
tips & tricks
13 March 2023

Tips for Using Social Media to Promote Your E-Commerce Business

This article provides tips on how e-commerce businesses can use social media to promote themselves effectively. It includes identifying your target audience, creating business profiles on relevant platforms, sharing engaging content, using relevant hashtags, considering paid advertising options, and using e-pickr to find profitable products. Regularly updating social media profiles and posting fresh, engaging content is also emphasized as crucial.

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Sell ​​Online
10 March 2023

Sell more on 14 tips for success

As a seller on, you want to sell more and get the most out of your platform. Fortunately, you can apply several tips and tricks to get to the top of and create more sales opportunities. Below we share 14 tips for more sales on

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Product research
Amazon products
07 March 2023

Amazon trends: how to find out which products to sell

E-pickr® is a product research tool based on Amazon data that helps you identify the best-selling products on Amazon and make smart decisions about which products to sell. Follow Amazon search trends and increase your sales on Amazon.

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Product research
Hype Producs
28 February 2023

Five popular products to sell in 2023

With the growth of online sales platforms and rising consumer expectations, it is more important than ever to be aware of popular products to sell in 2023. Consequently, many business owners seek the best products to sell in their online stores. In this article, we discuss the top five widespread effects of 2023. We also give tips on staying on top of trending products and finding popular products to sell.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (81)
Profitable products
27 February 2023

Is dropshipping still profitable in 2023?

Dropshipping has been a popular e-commerce business model for years, but will it still be profitable in 2023? Dropshipping is also becoming increasingly popular, with the global e-commerce industry expected to reach a staggering $6.5 trillion by 2023. In this blog post, we look in-depth at dropshipping and whether it is still profitable. We discuss how to make money with dropshipping and how to ensure more profits. Read on to learn more!

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22 February 2023

A step-by-step plan for finding a supplier for your

If you want to start a webshop or expand your current one, it is essential to find a suitable supplier. A good supplier is a key to success for your shop. A reliable supplier ensures high-quality products, on-time delivery and a competitive price. But how do you find a supplier that meets all these requirements? In this text, we will discuss how to find a supplier that suits your e-com business and what to look out for when choosing a supplier.

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Sell ​​Online
Ecommerce Trends
15 February 2023

Search Trends on How to Use Them for Successful Online Selling?

If you're an e-commerce seller, search behaviour is an important traffic driver. The same applies to trends and popular searches on (also known as B2C or customer-to-consumer online retailers). Search trends reveal what customers want to buy, and you can use that information to sell your products on 

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Product research
14 February 2023

Discover the search trends on and sell successfully as an e-commerce customer

As an e-commercialist, you want to know what to sell online on marketplaces like But if you were to start thinking about it, how would you learn what products are trending here and now? The truth is that you need a lot of insight and prior knowledge to recognize search trends. The search trends and keywords are your keys to success and the path to the most sales. So in this blog, read why those search terms are so important and how if you were to learn how to search trends on, you would have a much easier time knowing what to sell online.

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Kopie van RvA  2701 2023 (1)
Ecommerce Trends
Market Research
From Twinkle Magazine
13 February 2023

Challenges for online retailers in 2023

The e-commerce industry saw accelerated growth during the pandemic but has returned to pre-pandemic trends, with B2B buyers increasingly choosing e-commerce. Despite a housing, climate, and energy crisis, e-commerce must focus on sustainability solutions. The cancelation of's plans to go public may be due to lower revenue this year, and direct-to-consumer sales are predicted to grow. This presents opportunities for smaller, specialized platforms to thrive.

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Ecommerce Trends
tips & tricks
10 February 2023

These 5 Secrets make the eCommerce Store in 2023

Is your e-commerce business ready for 2023? Read here 5 tips to implement new innovations like AI, inbound traffic, create a hassle-free customer experience, offer memorable shipping options, that you can. With e-pickr's AI technology and avanced data analytics, find the best-selling, profitable products for your store.

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Blog images (6)
09 February 2023

How to Find Winning Products in Minutes

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to find and validate winning products for e-commerce. The guide covers using TikTok, Amazon and Facebook to identify trending products and using key factors such as shipping costs, market saturation and profitability to validate product. 

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Profitable products
Product research
Hype Producs
09 February 2023

6 Steps Guide to Identify Successful Products to Sell with Facebook Ads

This 6-step plan helps e-commerce businesses find successful products to sell based on Facebook Ads. The process includes researching target audience, studying competitor ads, experimenting with Facebook Ads, using Facebook analytics, tracking conversions and monitoring customer feedback. 

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Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
Product research
09 February 2023

Discover Winning Products on TikTok: 4 Best Practices

These steps outline the four tactics to finding winning products on TikTok, including using the search bar, watching trending videos, checking product hashtags, and more. With these tips, you will have a better understanding of the TikTok community and what products are resonating with its users.

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Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
Amazon products
09 February 2023

6 Steps to Find Profitable Products on Amazon

Find profitable products on Amazon with this 6 step plan: Browse categories, look at product reviews, research best seller rankings, analyze product listings, assess market demand, and check competitor activity. E-pickr® simplifies the process by providing advanced market analysis, competitor activity monitoring and consumer behavior insights, saving time and increasing success chances.

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Een titel toevoegen (5)
Sell ​​Online
Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
06 February 2023

Starting an e-commerce business through challenges and opportunities

Learn how to start a successful e-commerce business through and discover the challenges and opportunities in online sales. Also, discover tips for sourcing through wholesale and what sells well on

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Een titel toevoegen (4)
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
Profitable products
05 February 2023

Starting and Managing an E-commerce Business

Successfully start an e-commerce business and manage it effectively. Discover major marketplaces such as, Amazon and eBay and learn how to generate additional revenue. Learn how to create a solid business plan and become successful.

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Updated pitch deck 2401
Sell ​​Online
tips & tricks
04 February 2023

Selling successfully via tips & tricks for e-commerce entrepreneurs

In this way, you increase the chances of success, and your own business will become a great success through As an entrepreneur, it is wise to take advantage of the large audience on and the benefits of e-commerce. With e-pickr, you increase your chances of success by offering the right products, providing a clear product description and using different sales channels.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (79)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Product research
25 January 2023

8 Savvy Tips: What to sell online in my webshop?

The article recommends considering several factors such as competition, target market, personal interests and expertise, and profit margins when deciding what to sell in an online store. It also suggests using e-pickr, a free e-commerce product research software, to help minimize risk and increase chances of success. The key point is to find a product that you are passionate about, that you have knowledge of and that there is a demand for it in the market. E-pickr can assist with all the research and even building your webshop.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (73)
Alibaba Sourcr
20 January 2023

David's testimonial about the Alibaba Sourcr

Read here the story of David, one of the many users of the AlibabaSourcr. This tool tells you exactly which suppliers to use for the products you found in your market research. So choose e-pickr's handy tools not only to sharpen your product research, but also to find reliable suppliers. The Alibaba Sourcr is Alibaba Group's first partnership with an e-commerce software in Europe.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (61)
19 January 2023

How does salesestimatr help with your product research for Amazon

This Blog zooms in on the success story from Caroline. She used the Salesestimatr to find what product sells well in different countries. The tool has helped her e-commerce business in recognizing sales trends in different countries. With this tool, e-tailers can optimize their product portfolio and formulate different strategies per country for their online business. Everyone can be a successful e-commerce business owner with this tool. Sales forecasts are your way to success in online sales via amazon or a webshop.

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Start Ecommerce
marketing plan
07 December 2022

Selling on Amazon or Bol: Which choice is smart?

As a young, ambitious entrepreneur, do you want to earn good money and have a good time? Then selling through Amazon or is a good solution. This is an intelligent alternative to a standard side job as a shelf stacker or in a restaurant, where the times work out poorly, and you work your legs out from under your body. It is also increasingly more work to pay your expenses from those hours. With rising housing costs and inflation, making ends meet is only getting harder.

You'll read about selling on Amazon or Bol in this blog. We'll explain why selling on Amazon and Bol pays so well and whether you should sell on Amazon or

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Sell ​​Online
Start Ecommerce
28 November 2022

What does it cost to sell through Bol or Amazon

In addition to discussing all the benefits and revenues you can gain from selling through or through Amazon, we'd also like to show you the costs involved. First, we'll zoom in on the costs of selling through, and then we'll look at what it costs to sell on Amazon. Here you can think of buying costs, but also selling costs. For example, commission and shipping costs are two items you will have to deal with anyway if you want to sell through or Amazon. We also briefly examine the costs of having inventory managed by a third party. 

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Sell ​​Online
Start Ecommerce
marketing plan
23 November 2022

How can you sell on Amazon?

Starting an e-commerce business is also easy if you want to sell on amazon. For example, registering with the Chamber of Commerce, opening your Amazon seller account and creating product listings are done faster than you think. Simply put, anyone can sell on Amazon, and with e-pickr®'s product research, it's even more accessible than ever.

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Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
11 November 2022

Part 3: partner with or partner with Amazon?

In this final part of the set of three articles, we'll show you how contact with Amazon and continues. Are there major differences in fulfillment options, or is's partner support team better than Amazon's? We help you discover then the best way to start your e-commerce business or to scale up. Find out in this blog!

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Ecwid x e-pickr (52)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
10 November 2022

Partner with or Partner with Amazon? Part 2

After the introduction in the previous part of this series of three, we now dive deeper into the cost of selling through and Amazon. After all, if one of the two is significantly cheaper than the other, the choice is quickly made. We take you through a calculation example and we have unleashed statistics on the commissions of both parties. Do you want to know which is cheaper: Bol or Amazon? Read it in this blog!

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Ecwid x e-pickr (44)
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
tips & tricks
08 November 2022 partner, or partner from Amazon? Part 1

Do you think entrepreneurship really suits you and you are the new successful e-commerce retailer who is going to make it online? Then you must be looking for information about and Amazon. Since there are quite a few different views on these two platforms, we have put them together in this article. In a series of three blogs, we will make an overview of the facts. We remain objective and neutral and mainly leave the decision up to you, but with the right knowledge and data!

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Ecwid x e-pickr (35)
Profitable products
Hype Producs
02 November 2022

Halloween and e-pickr: spooky missed opportunities!

This year, Halloween was another incredibly successful time for e-commerce. If you purchased your inventory on time and followed the trends of inflatable decorations and costumes, you'll be too busy counting your sales today. Nonetheless, if your luck was not so great, we invite you to read this blog on how to make even more sales during Halloween next year!

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Sell ​​Online
01 November 2022

How does selling through work?

In this blog, we tell you in detail how to start selling products via

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Ecwid x e-pickr (42)
Make Money Easy
Our tools
Profitable products
31 October 2022

5 real-life examples where e-pickr helps your e-commerce business move forward.

Do you need more or better-selling products but do you need help to identify new best-sellers? Don't worry, because you're not alone. e-pickr is helping hundreds of users identify successful products for their e-commerce web store or marketplace. Also, start doing product research through e-pickr and find out if your business can make more sales with a better product portfolio. Read more about the various examples of how e-pickr grows your company in this blog.

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Ecwid x e-pickr (30)(1)
tips & tricks
25 October 2022

The 10 reasons to choose e-pickr®

Read in this blog why e-pickr is the most advanced tool for Free Product Research. Find out what you can find in our tools and how to get the most out of every Euro you invest in e-commerce. 

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Ecwid x e-pickr (28)
Product research
Ecommerce Trends
19 October 2022

E-commerce, platforms and entrepreneurship in 2023: how will A-brands and specialists relate to the leaders Amazon and Bol?

In 2021, the Dutch e-commerce sector broke record after record in revenues. Whoever would have suggested 10 years ago that  a global pandemic would lead to the final push in online retail commerce, might have been declared redicule. Yet this is today's reality.  In this article, we look back at the first 3 quarters of 2022, and what trends will develop in the coming months in 2023.


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Ecwid x e-pickr (8)
Sell ​​Online
Start Ecommerce
11 October 2022

More benefits of starting your own e-commerce journey

Money, money and money. That might be all th reasons you need, but did you know that there are more reasons why you should start your own business in e-commerce? What about time efforts, independency and experience? We explain you here how your e-commerce products are a good substitute for a side job and how e-commerce businesses can hedge against inflation.

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Make Money Easy
Profitable products
06 October 2022

The 12 best-selling toy products in the world

Which products are trending in the toy category? What is the world's best-selling product in the Toys category? Which toys are the most sold on the internet?

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Ecwid x e-pickr (7)
Start Ecommerce
Market Research
04 October 2022

How do you create brand value for your e-commerce business?

So how does a customer determine whether the price you charge for your products is a fair price? The customer does this by looking at the competition and the price-quality ratio. Two great capstone terms that we take a full look at in this article by explaining you how the customer's journey works. Read in this blog all about the 'brand equity model', and get to know how you can ask a higher price for your products from now on, by looking closely at the steps of this model.

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Start Ecommerce
15 September 2022

Dropshipping or e-commerce with its own stock: What is more profitable?

For seasonal products and evergreens, you need to keep your own stock if you want to make a good margin. So you can buy in bulk and deliver faster, but it does depend on what you want to offer. That is the first thing an ecommerce retailer should consider before they look at stock or purchase.

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Eyecatchers (22)
Start Ecommerce
tips & tricks
07 September 2022

Starting with e-commerce: mindset, skillset and toolset

During the Venture Creation class at the University of Richmond, a guest speaker with years of experience in innovation and product development showed his perspective on finding innovative ways to create new products and services. Guest speaker Gopa Nair mentioned the importance of mindset #killset toolset as a trinity that every entrepreneur should utilize in the right way. His words coincided with an article that e-pickr® had planned to upload. Because of the wise words and thanks from his guest lecture, we feel it is more appropriate to share this article with you today!

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Eyecatchers (17)
Profitable products
02 September 2022

How to buy your profitable product online?

To buy your inventory, we recommend you take a look at the largest factory in the world. Alibaba's platform has more than 200,000 sellers of just about everything you will find in and around your home, business, store or school. Xenos, Action and many other companies buy their stock here. Here we explain how you can start buying your stock today. 

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Product research
29 August 2022

Gap in the market products

Do you have a webshop or are you curious about the best way to start one? Then read below about how you can find a gap in the market the quickest way to become a successful entrepreneur. We explain to you where the opportunities lie for entrepreneurs and what is currently a gap in the market!

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marketing plan
25 August 2022

5 smart tips to increase the turnover of your webshop

In this blog, you will find the quickest way to increase the turnover of your webshop. Your shop will only become truly profitable if you add these five tips to your strategy. Use strong keywords and make your content relevant to the customer. Do not use standard images from Alibaba, but make good-quality pictures yourself. For more sales on your webshop, read these five clever tips.

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Eyecatchers (7)
24 August 2022

Dropshipping or e-commerce with your own stock, listen to these experts

An e-commerce store stands or falls with researching your market. A hype product works better in the dropship world, but an evergreen does very well with its own inventory management. It's almost a trade-off between stocks or bonds, but in this case you control what happens to the stock market. Read in this blog what industry experts from our partners Marktmentor and U-Send think about this and find out which form of e-commerce suits you best!

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Eyecatchers (3)
Profitable products
Hype Producs
18 August 2022

Nichepickr recognized octopus’s trend before it arrived in the Netherlands.

Finding new trends can sometimes be very challenging, but not with e-pickr. We found the reversible octopus long before the trend arrived in the Netherlands and in this blog we will explain you how we did it!

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Eyecatchers (2)
Hype Producs
05 August 2022

Product tool Salespickr prevents blunders like Fidgetspinners

Not all products are a success. Or sometimes you are simply too late to join the hype. Then you find yourself importing a bulk of Fidgetspinners and later you read here on e-pickr why your plan didn't go as expected.

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29 July 2022

How to find the most profitable webshop products

If you have started dropshipping, you might wonder how to find the most profitable products for your webshop. This is also something that many new entrepreneurs run into. Fortunately, several valuable tips and tricks allow you to find the most profitable products of this moment successfully. Are you curious which ones they are? Then read on; in this article, we will show you exactly how you can resell products at a high profit!

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10 June 2022

The 5 best tips for making money with dropshipping

Making money with dropshipping is immensely popular right now. Unsurprisingly, it is the way to build your fortune online from home. Indeed, using dropshipping to make money is not that simple. Fortunately, several dropshipping tips will give you the best possible chance of success. Wondering what these tips are? Then read on; in this article, we have listed the best dropshipping tips!

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Start Ecommerce
30 May 2022

The main advantages and disadvantages of dropshipping

Dropshipping, probably you have heard of it. Right now, dropshipping is the number one way to make money online. There is a reason why so many people want to enter the world of e-commerce this way. 

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Our tools
23 May 2022

The 8 best dropshipping tools of the moment.

Dropshipping is still the best way to make money online at the moment. However, due to the high level of competition, it's not easy to rise to the top using traditional methods. Fortunately, with the help of various useful dropshipping tools and software, you can significantly increase your chances.

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Ecommerce Trends
hype products
05 May 2022

Zooming in on hype products: are they worth your time and effort?

In recent years we have heard more and more news reports about small businesses, which were able to realize enormous profits through smart purchasing strategies and the use of social media. We asked ourselves, are these cowboy stories or honest entrepreneurial stories? After researching this, we concluded that they are a bit of both. 

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Our tools
29 April 2022

The importance of good dropshipping research (and good product research tools)

Starting with dropshipping offers opportunities, especially if you know how to approach it correctly. Yet many starting entrepreneurs forget the importance of the next critical step on the road to success: doing (market) research. This article will discuss why dropshipping product research is so important, what you should pay attention to, and how e-pickr® can help you make this research phase easy. So: grab a cup of coffee, sit down and read along… you'll thank us for it later!

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23 April 2022

Starting an online store without stock. How do you do that?

In this blog we explain how you can best start a webshop without inventory. We use practical examples for this and refer you to various companies that can help you with your webshop. Did you know, for example, that many dropship ads do not contain any copy rights? In this cowboy world it is actually very common to use another company's advertisements with just a new logo. You will learn this and many more cowboy tricks below!

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Product research
11 April 2022

7 concrete ways to earn money quickly online

To get straight to the point: there is no such thing as getting rich quick. As far as we're concerned, there is such a thing as making quick money online, but that doesn't equate to getting rich quick... That's why we're going to help you get your first cash fast so that you can use it to work on a long-term solution. We explain what you can sell to make quick money.

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Profitable products
Product research
02 April 2022

How to start a dropshipping business? Pay extra attention to these 3 important factors and 5 simple steps

Dropshipping is an exciting business model for many starting entrepreneurs because of the lower risks, but that only applies with proper preparation. Therefore, it is important to read the following points carefully and do enough research.

Don't worry; we will help you on your way! We will explain the three key factors involved in dropshipping and then walk you through how to start your own dropshipping business in five steps.


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27 March 2022

What is dropshipping and how does it work

If you have been reading about different business models for making money on the internet, you have undoubtedly come across the term 'dropshipping'... Sounds mysterious, but is it? This article will give you a brief and clear explanation of what dropshipping is, how dropshipping works, and how you can consider dropshipping.

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Our tools
Profitable products
Product research
23 March 2022

How Nichepickr® and Salespickr® guide you in the world of e-commerce.

Anyone who has already started in e-commerce or is preparing to, will undoubtedly have given it a lot of thought: in which niche will I work and which products will I sell? niche? I can hear you thinking… Isn't that a French seaside resort?

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Ecwid x e-pickr (12)
Sell ​​Online
Make Money Easy
Start Ecommerce
21 February 2022

How to start your own business? (NL)

Before you start your own Amazon, or Ecwid adventures, you need to go through a few steps. For that, we have summarized in one page per country how you can start e-commerce in the following countries: Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. 

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07 February 2022

Who the h#ck do we think we are? #2

Now that you have found our website and blogs, you might be wondering what the h#ck this is all about!

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03 January 2022

Who the h#ck do we think we are?

Now that you have found our website and blogs, you might be wondering what the h#ck this is all about!

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28 December 2021

e-pickr’s® origin

e-pickr® is a young and fresh start-up created from the success of e-commerce and the growth of the industry.

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